Saturday, June 04, 2005

Suddenly, Apple and Pilot Inspektor seem like perfectly normal names...

Awww, c'mon, Penn! What the hell were you smokin'?!?

Penn Jillette and his wife Emily have named their newborn baby "Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette".

Jesus Christ in a chicken basket, people. DON'T DO THINGS LIKE THIS TO YOUR CHILDREN!!!

Funny man, dorkwad dad...

I promise, if I ever am blessed with children, they will have normal names. Hell, I have a normal name, and it still took me years to get over it because I felt cheated of an "ethnic" Irish name like all the rest of my 8 siblings. Then, eventually, when I realized my name didn't make me sound like a nun or a parochial school teacher, I was totally cool with Greek and Hebrew monikers. (But, if ya ever call me "Missy", you'll be pulling back a bloody stump, buddy. Forewarned is forearmed, I say.) So, I can only imagine the years of therapy ahead of Moxie.



Anonymous said...

Ha! "Forearmed." "Bloody stump." Yer killin' me!!!

Merujo said...

I am but a lobstrosity, ready to take a hunk off...

Anonymous said...

Is there some sort of contest for "ugly baby names" going on?

Just when I thought that Hazel and Phineaus took the cake for "meaness to one's own offspring" - somebody does it one better.

That is one contest I would hate to have my parents win. Tragic.