Saturday, August 20, 2005

Pervy Searches

Through the wonders of StatCounter, I know what Google and Yahoo searches people use when they stray across my site. Usually, it's fairly mundane stuff, but every once in a while, a search term pops up that gives me pause.

There are some I simply won't describe to you. They're just a wee bit too disturbing.

Just a few minutes ago, someone was searching for "handcuffed children." Aaaaand, that led them to my blog. (I'd written a "Yo, Florida! WTF?" kind of post a while back, wondering what the deal was with all the weird stories of cops (and parents and teachers) tasering and handcuffing kids under ten.) You have to wonder what leads someone to search for the words "handcuffed children" on a bright, sunny, summer Saturday morning.

Then again, I don't want to know...


Anonymous said...

Whoa... that IS intensely disturbing. Working hard here to not be freaked out by the implications of such a search.


suze said...

bizzare. i rarely get freaky searches bringing people to my blogs. oddly enough, lately it's been people searching for "merujo journal" or "merujo blog" that get to my site. (or "catholic church recruitment poster matrix" - but that one's no surprise...)

no word of a lie.

Sasquatch said...

Yeah, well I've had people get to my blog via a search for "little nudists," which is, shall we say, more than slightly disturbing...

Merujo said...

That Catholic Church Matrix poster business still blows my mind (especially as someone who was raised Catholic.) How lame and pathetic can the Church get?!?

How weird that people are searching for "Merujo journal" and such! I found out a while back that "Merujo" is actually a Portuguese name, and I get a lot of searches from Lisbon, so maybe you have Portuguese folks looking for friends online...

Merujo said...

Little nudists. SHUDDER...