Thursday, December 15, 2005

Narnia Schmarnia

Saw it this evening. (Another Potbelly Sandwich 'n' Movie for $10 deal, which rocks.) Bummer, though. I didn't really enjoy it. I think if I'd had kids with me, maybe. But you know, I just didn't get into the groove of it. (Although I did dig the opening sequence from inside a German bomber.) I was a pretty naive kid, and I didn't notice the overt Christian message (Messianic lion back from the dead, yadda yadda) back in the day. This time, I got it. Big time.

Ah well. I can't like every movie, eh? And I have no interest in "King Kong." Hell, I should just watch "Lord of the Rings" again on DVD. Tonight, I should have gone to see "Capote."

Of course, having Indulgent Central American Dad carry on a lively "outdoor voice" conversation with his daughter throughout the film tonight didn't help. Kids are cool, and this was a kids' movie, but c'mon papá - that little girl is learning her manners from you, dude! Cómo se dice "shut the hell up" en español?

The most exciting part of the evening was me slipping and sliding in terror on the icy bricks between the theater and my car. I'm a massive ice chicken since breaking my leg a couple of years ago. I get absolutely paralyzed with fear on ice. I think my days of hoofing it in Moscow winters is waaay over.

Insane day at work. Tomorrow will be nuts, too. I am wiped out.

Hulk tired. Sleep now.


suze said...

ahhh, see that's the advantage of having your baptist minister father read you that story when you're 8. you discuss how CS Lewis was using christian themes to tell his tale. so it's good that that aspect won't shock me when i go....i love the story too much not to see the movie even if it's horrible and i'll hate's the whole nostalgia factor.

Cyn said...

Cierre su boca (por favor) -- My high school Spanish teacher used to say this quite frequently.

Washington Cube said...

You should have gone to see Capote . Not exactly spreading Christmas cheer, but one of the two best movies I saw this year, the other being a German thing called Downfall about Hitler's final days in his bunker, starring Bruno Ganz (big with directors Wenders and Herzog). I'm not sure what that says about my taste in movies, but for all the raves over Wedding Crashers and other dreck, these two topped the tree.

Merujo said...

"Downfall" was exceptional, wasn't it? I've loved Bruno Ganz since "Wings of Desire." I ran into him once at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, and he was very, very cool, indeed.

Well, I think Capote will be my movie of choice next week...

Sasquatch said...

Downfall was flipping great. Made three hours whip by, even though they were a depressing three hours. Not enough suppurating gums for my taste, though...