Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Radio, Radio: the Whacked By a Murano Edition

Hello, kids!

I'll be on the radio this Friday afternoon, with 3.5 minutes of crankiness for your listening pleasure. It's the same Bat Time and Bat Channel as usual: WAMU's Metro Connection show, which runs from 1-2 p.m. EST, 88.5FM on your dial here in metro DC, and streaming live on WAMU.org. I'll be on shortly before the end of the hour to kvetch about my recent SUV-flesh contact, and my resolutions for spring. (I will let you know, I blew one of those resolutions this morning, when I was less than cordial to a tourist...)

If you miss it live, the the show will be available on WAMU's archives a couple of hours later. The broadcast is also downloadable as a podcast. Enjoy!

I likely will be away from the blog for a few days. Back on Sunday or Monday with stories to tell, and, if the Nikon will cooperate, a few pictures, too...

1 comment:

radiocynic said...

Hi, Merujo --

Finally got a chance to check out the WAMU archive to hear one of your commentaries. Great work! Appreciated the subject matter, given my day job.

If you'd ever like to take a tremendous pay cut and work ungodly hours, your voice would lend itself well to being a traffic reporter.

I almost expected a reference to the Murano incident to be woven in, but I suppose that could be another commentary unto itself, eh?

Anyway, great job! -- Randy