The ad NBC is running for upcoming episodes of the show "Medium" makes me giggle. Shall I quote? (Invoke a great gravelly voiceover voice for this):
"Next week, Allison faces her greatest challenge: AN EVIL MEDIUM!"
(Dear lord.)
"And soon, Molly Ringwald... and Kelsey Grammer as... THE ANGEL OF DEATH!"
Holy crap! That's not jumping the shark, that's saddling it and riding it through hoops of fire. Sweeps - what a panderfest!
That promo makes me cringe too, but the show is generally quite good.
Question - the term "Jumping the Shark" implies that some sort of air has been achieved - I'm thinking Medium is a little young to have already jumped the shark already.
What is it when a series is born with the shark already jumped - Joanie loves Chaci'd?
i find NBC to be rather over-exciatatory in their show promos in general. God help us all when it's sweeps!
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