Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Laurel, Maryland, 8:15 p.m., Tuesday...

Spotted in a strip mall on Route 1:

Little Bunny Foo Foo's worst nightmare...

Gruppenführer, that lederhosen is gorgeous on you!
Du bist hottt!

Time for bed. G'night, y'all!


radiocynic said...

I've heard stories of a group of musicians which can be summoned to fight such giant foo. But for the SS Barn, we may be on our own.

Loracs said...

Scary thought: What if the Giant Foo shops at the SS Barn? We may all be in danger of a big bop on the head!

Anonymous said...

heehee. i love those :)
(Btw - my nickname in highschool - well, it was long and embarrassing, but it was shortened frequently to Foofoo McDuck. Yes, that wast the short version...and yes there is a story here, but it's long and really only important to those who knew me during those years...)

I have too many bad memories of that little rabbit foofoo song...
