So, I'm sitting here tonight, flossing my teeth, pondering the humiliation of filing for bankruptcy, but not neglecting my dental hygiene...
And what happens? One of my freakin' crowns pops off my left lower molar!! It actually made an audible POP. Good god.
Ka-ching! There's $250 I don't have. And an emergency call to the dentist in the a.m. And more time away from work. Time to send e-mail to my boss...
I think I'm just gonna go cry now. I have to wonder what ancient, angry god have I angered? There's some seriously bad ju-ju goin' on here.
Uh... should I finish flossing? Or just open a bottle of tequila and just crawl inside?
Somebody, please shoot me now!
Sigh... okay, I just can't leave you on this bizarrely bummerific note at the close of the weekend, so, without further ado, and for no other reason than I find them amusing, I give you... JACKALOPES!
Sleep well, kids. I guess it's off to the dentist with me tomorrow morning, asap...
And no word from Madonna yet? This is creepy.. It seems like the ancient Greek god of wrath, Maimaktês, has it in for you. Only too bad his month(s) is actually November and December.. :( Let's hope he mixed them up with September / October and that you've finished with all bad things now!
Yowch. I hope your tooth's all fixed up now.
If the wheel of life stuff works, you'll end up first lady president of the US.
This is unbelieveable.
Have a small Tequila on me!
I actually gasped when I read about your crown falling out. Forget finding creative ways to raise money, you now officially merit your own telethon. I truly hope things improve for you very, very soon.
ellen (Lurker from the MP list where I also lurk.)
Just...yowza. Don't you think this is getting a little ridiculous, universe?
Enough Already! Sheesh
I will go sacrifice some M&M's at a crossroad for you. Don't know if that will satisfy the angry trickster god, but it will make a bunch of ants happy.
this is unbelievable. it has to change sometime, it really has to.
i'm sending you all the best mojo juju i can...
I think the Adoration of the Jackalope is going to turn the tide for you. According to Wyoming lore (and I know this because my sainted mother is a Wyomingite. Born and raised in Green River and I have a pewter icon of a jackalope in my home), if you rub it's antlers three times, sniff some sagebrush (sage will substitute in a pinch), let out a hearty "Yee haw, yippy ki-yeah" and stomp your right foot twice, the Gods of No Horse Shit Here will step up and kick the asses of all things and/or persons that and/or who afflict you.
As my dearly departed Grandfather would say, "It's better than a kick in the butt with a sharp boot."
Good Lord, I hope this the end of the dramas for you. I might become Catholic just to be able to say Hail Marys for you.
I think the Adoration of the Jackalope is going to turn the tide for you. According to Wyoming lore (and I know this because my sainted mother is a Wyomingite. Born and raised in Green River and I have a pewter icon of a jackalope in my home), if you rub it's antlers three times, sniff some sagebrush (sage will substitute in a pinch), let out a hearty "Yee haw, yippy ki-yeah" and stomp your right foot twice, the Gods of No Horse Shit Here will step up and kick the asses of all things and/or persons that and/or who afflict you.
As my dearly departed Grandfather would say, "It's better than a kick in the butt with a sharp boot."
Good Lord, I hope this the end of the dramas for you. I might become Catholic just to be able to say Hail Marys for you.
I am so sorry all this bad crap is happening. There's got to be some sort of balance in this world. I hope it comes in to play soon for you.
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