Monday, June 18, 2007

Oh, and another thing...

Holy crap, those Doritos X-13D mystery chips? Disgusting. The flavor of a hamburger with ketchup and mustard and... onions, I think, bathed in salt on a tortilla chip? Oh, man. Not good.

Don't ask me how I know this. Just trust me. Avoid the mystery Doritos. If Willy Wonka made really weird savory snack foods, this is what he'd make.

And then throw away.*


*Along with whatever foolish child tried to eat them on the factory tour...


Chuck said...

I kind of like the habanero doritos, but they're not truly habanero spicy.

Sudiegirl said...

thanks for the warning...I was curious, but you have cured me of that.

Janet Kincaid said...

I like their Pepper Jack Doritos, but the idea of a chip that tastes like a hamburger is just, well, so British. Which means it's a bit wonky, what with them and their flavored 'crisps.' I think I'll be avoiding this one.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting - but I finished my bag :)

I personally miss the Salsa Verde Doritos.