The photo above was taken by the Sasquatch.
I'm too short & couldn't snap the fish without
the reflection of the white light cutting it in half!
I'm too short & couldn't snap the fish without
the reflection of the white light cutting it in half!
Want to see some better photos from the fair?
Visit the Sasquatch's blog for some good stuff!
He's got a good eye. (Two actually.)
Thanks for coming along!
Visit the Sasquatch's blog for some good stuff!
He's got a good eye. (Two actually.)
Thanks for coming along!
Cool pics!
Great pics. I might need to convince Kristen to go to a fair just to take pictures.
Oh those gliders. My daughter and sister-in-law did those last year at the Henry Co. Fair (IL). Most of the time I am aware that I have cloned my daughter, but her love of amusement park rides comes from outer space, or her father, or something.
No spitting on coins? Damn.
Awesome photos! Now off to check out Sasquatch's.
Love the bored girl with the almost tiara:) Hey, that's one ride I can actually DO, and, it's FUN! Seems you both enjoyed it.
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