...a good reason to not stay at work late: I was accosted by a drug dealer at the corner of 16th and M tonight.
"Whatchew need, baby? Whatchew need? I got it all, I got it all, I got it all, see?" He touted his junk while I waited for the light to change. His sales pitch never stopped. "Whatchew need, huh? C'mon, baby, seriously, I got it all!" He took his hand from his pocket and uncurled his fingers to show me a variety of stuff. Looked like a grubby mobile pharmacy.
Either that, or the contents of Lindsay Lohan's purse.
I just kept walking to my car, but, damn, he was aggressive. Three blocks from the White House, folks. Just three blocks.
did he have any good weed? lol
just kidding. sorry you went through that ordeal
You just made me laugh hard enough to have a coughing fit! ;) I did see a big bag of weed in his inside jacket pocket (dude was not subtle) but I cannot vouch for the quality! LOL
I know I should be horrified, but it also sounds oddly glamorous.
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