Sunday, May 23, 2010

{{insert big grin here}}


Claire said...

Your article? Awesome! Congrats!

kob said...


Chuck said...

I've been on Facebook too much...I was looking for the "Like" button. :) Looking forward to reading the article when it comes out.

Mary A Brown said...

Having been privileged enough to see this in its early stages, I really look forward to reading the final manuscript! Let's hope this gets you more writing gigs!

Merujo said...

Thank you all so much! I'm doing some more edits with the folks at the magazine this week.

I have this wish to sell this issue out, big time. Maybe start my own viral campaign. :)

Mary A Brown said...

What's the best way to get ahold of a copy? Our local newsagent went out of business last month. :-/