Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I weep for the youth of Britain...

This week, a mobile phone ringtone outsold real music on the top of the UK pop charts. Yep. That's right, buckaroos. A friggin' ringtone. Now, keep in mind, I don't find ringtones themselves to be evil. (They are evil, however, when they're heard in movie theaters and other spots where people have an expectation of quiet.) First off, I myself have supported the ringtone industry by letting Sony pick my pockets for the variety of tones programmed into my phone - if I hear Erasure, I know it's the Sasquatch at home, Depeche Mode - the Sasquatch at work, and the theme to Bewitched means it's my sister, Nurse Rachet. (This last one is amusing if you know her real name.) Second, I know someone who is involved in the design of innovative ringtones, and I really like and respect said person. A whole lot. And, if said person reads this entry, I'd be dying to hear his thoughts on this turn of events, especially as he's first and foremost a musician.

And, truly, it would do no good at all to deny that ringtones are a very, very big business, indeed, especially for the youth market. But, c'mon! When ringtones outsell music ON A MUSIC CHART... well, that's just wrong, kids. The saddest part is, it's a really shitty ringtone.

Don't believe me? Can it really suck that much? Yes, it can. Coldplay lost out to this crap. Roll over the stupid image of the mutant frog riding the rocket and give a listen. Be sure to stay for the "bam-bam-be-de-brrrrr" motorcycle sound. It's so exciting. (Ugh.)

Can someone explain this to me? Mass hysteria in the UK?

Somewhere, on the misty isle of Avalon, Arthur spins like an overheated turbine...


Anonymous said...

It doesn't get much more disturbing than this.

Just when you think our society can't get much more shallow, they surprise us yet again.


*Who still doesn't own a cell phone... GASP!

Merujo said...

You're doin' just fine without a cell phone. I may be getting rid of mine here shortly, if finances don't look up...

Merujo said...

Don't worry - the U.S. charts are screwed up, too. (Although we haven't had the ringtone issue yet - we did have Disco Duck top the charts briefly a zillion years ago...)

I'm going down UK musical memory lane this week. Gonna hear Erasure perform tomorrow night and then go meet them and have them sign a vintage poster for me on Tuesday. I have to tell them

I saw them on their first ever tour. 1986. The Mean Fiddler. Harlesden, W10. Had to take the night bus home alone to central London afterward - didn't get back to my room until almost 4 a.m. But it was so worth it. :-)