Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Things that make me cranky

1. The evil sinus infection I now have. It hurts to breathe, swallow, or talk. This makes me oh so friendly and cuddly to be around.

2. The huge red splotch in my left eye that suddenly appeared this morning. Apparently, according to the med unit at work, it's just a big blood vessel that decided to break. Nice. Looks like I've been doing some Ultimate Fighting. (And my entire eye hurts like hell.)

3. Hundreds of young men and women with traumatic injuries have been brought to Bethesda Naval Medical for treatment since the war started in Iraq. You don't see the press camped out on Wisconsin Avenue doing reports on them. But now that Bob Woodruff and Doug Vogt of ABC News are being treated there, it's a different story. There were at least five media vehicles across the street, and a gaggle of reporters and cameramen were prepping to film stand-ups for various news outlets.

That isn't right.

That is, as a matter of fact, pretty fucked up.

I need some tea. I need to clear my head of just how irritating those screwed up priorities are.

Are we really that pathetic that we care more about a network news guy than we we do about all the kids in that hospital? Or is it just that network news people need a swift kick in the ass?

Your call.


murison said...

"Are we really that pathetic that we care more about a network news guy than we we do about all the kids in that hospital? Or is it just that network news people need a swift kick in the ass?"

That would be: yes, and yes. In spades, both.

Washington Cube said...

A lot of people are angry about this situation with Woodward on many levels, but mainly centering on the level of media attention he receives for his wounds. My own personal opinion, based on nothing but human nature, is that he went over there for his own glory and it backfired on him. If you can divert the media away from him, then you have the power, lady. Get busy diverting it away from Britney, Paris, Lindsey, et al. I'm sick to death of reading about them and having them elevated in society. I don't even feel sorry for Bob Woodward. He brought it on himself. Since when is he a war correspondent?

Claire said...

As Murison said, yes and yes. Though i think perhaps more than a swift kick might be in order.