Friday, May 26, 2006

Now taking bets...

...on when the Lord God, Almighty will get tired of Pat Robertson and just make him vanish. Now, Patty Boy claims he can leg-press 2,000 pounds.

Two thousand pounds. Interesting way to try to sell protein shakes to the gullible.

This follows so closely on the heels of Robertson saying that God told him that the U.S. is gonna get whacked by a tsunami, I'm simply overwhelmed with things to say.

But this time, I will let y'all come up with your own witty remarks. There are so many possibilities...

Let 'er rip, kids!


Merujo said...

LOL! So very true!

Loracs said...

And here I was thinking he would only reach for 666 lbs so he could say "I bench pressed the Devil for the Lord. I pushed Mephistopheles those 6 inches closer to Heaven. And it pained him, yes it did. I heard him swearing and screaming as my muscles strained to keep him up there. Do you want to beat Beelzebub too? Do you want to bench press for the Lord? My protein shake and the Holy Spirit will give you all the strength you need to do just that! If you order the 20 lbs container today, we’ll send you a “I Bench Press For the Lord” t-shirt. Hurry, supplies are limited. Oooo weeee I feel great after this glorious workout.”

Spencer said...

Of course if he tries, he'll probably die because 2,000 pounds is FUCKING HEAVY and he is FUCKING OLD.

One can hope.