Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today I am The Answer

As Douglas Adams or Deep Thought could tell you you,
THE answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is...

So, today, and for a year, I am The Answer.
(Lucky me.)


Chuck said...

Happy birthday, Merujo! Hope you have a day full of awesomeness.

Claire said...

Happy birthday, M! I hope you have a molto groovy b-day and year to come!

It's weird, it feels like you only turned 40 last year, but 2 years have gone by. Crazy.

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm totally on board with the notion that you are the answer to life, and everything. But IF you're the answer, I might not have defined my problem right. I'll let you know in two years, when I'm the answer. Happy Birthday, Birthday Buddy! Now I've joined the 40 club. Do I get a secret roger-dodger magic ring or something?

paulnojustpaul said...

Happy, happy birthday M!


J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Yeah! Happy Birthday, Merujo! And may this year be filled with all kinds of good luck for you!

Heather Meadows said...

Happy Birthday!!! :)

radiocynic said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Melissa!

Please feel free to take comfort in the constance of still being 5+ years younger than me no matter what. (I'll attempt to set a decent example of the elderliness awaiting you.)

Hope you had a great day; hope you have a great year!

-- Randy

Beth Meyer said...

A belated happy birthday, from someone who gets to enjoy being the same age for another two weeks! (It wasn't too bad for me, so here's hoping...)

suze said...

I hope your birthday was wickedly awesome...

you are the answer...