Sunday, January 27, 2008

So, uh... do you tell them or not?

And now, a nausea-inducing moment from today's PostSecret:

Shudder, shudder, shudder...


Heather Meadows said...

YES you tell them, otherwise it turns into that Stinfeld episode where he drops his girlfriend's toothbrush into the toilet. They invite the person over for dinner and the person's afraid to eat anything and they're like "why what's the matter" and the person is all "nothing I'm just not hungry" but eventually the truth comes out and the person's friends HATE THE PERSON FOREVER.

In other news, we need a genderless singular personal pronoun. "They" would have been too confusing in the above ramble.

Chuck said...

Hopefully they washed it in the dishwasher first.

Anonymous said...

I personally think you accidentally throw the utensil out when you're over their house.

I wouldn't want to know.

Cyn said...

This will sound mean...but...would a person really want friends that stupid?

I can't imagine confusing a litter scoop with anything else, especially if it was accompanied by a cat.

Well, at least pasta usually gets cooked in boiling water :-)

Cyn said...

Oh...strike the last part of my comment (regarding pasta) I see the postcard just said "utensil" not "pasta scoop."

Hmmm, perhaps I should not be throwing the word "stupid" around so freely. Then again, shouldn't everything in the world be about pasta?

Real Live Lesbian said...

It does look like it would make a good pasta scoop. Just sayin'.