Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside!

And very, very white...

The forecast last night...

The view from the balcony, around noon today...

The trees are all weighed down...

We have at least 12 inches out here,
and the storm still has hours to go...

No plows have come down my little dead-end. I've seen only two or three folks trudging through the snow. It's blissfully quiet, and, for now, the power is still on. With our forecast revised to keep us in the 20s/30s all week, we'll be sure to keep this for a white Christmas Eve. But, in true DC style, it'll be 47F and raining on Christmas Day. Go figure!


Claire said...

Snow can be a hassle, but I do love the quiet it brings. And if it's going to be cold anyway, I'd just as soon have snow to look at.

Fingers crossed that your power stays on and your street gets plowed before you need to go somewhere.

If I don't catch you later, have a Merry Christmas!

Merujo said...

Claire, a very merry Christmas to you, too!!

Unknown said...

Hey Merj, don't go out unless it's life-threatening! - I've shoveled my way out twice today to give my father-in-law insulin, and it looks now like I never shoveled! Hope you're enjoying your PPV, let us know if you run out of TP, I have to go out again tomorrow so email me if you need anything at all, I'll bring it over! I've seen Hummers and Nissan Pathfinder 4WDs having trouble today, but my mighty Hyundai Elantrta will not be defeated!!!