I've just read that Dubya has accepted the resignation of porn star-mustachioed UN Ambassador John Bolton. All America weeps, surely.
In honor of the occasion, I'm dredging up my ode to famous Boltons from May of last year, the Bolton Files.
God bless us, everyone.
Mr. Greenjeans might make a more mellow ambassador, come to think of it...
Now if only Cheney would resign, my otherwise craptacular year will be redeemed! (Loved the Bolton v Bolton post from last year, btw. Classic! Absolutely classic!)
Now if only Cheney would resign, my otherwise craptacular year will be redeemed! (Loved the Bolton v Bolton post from last year, btw. Classic! Absolutely classic!)
I'm going to slap my receptionist and yell at my direct reports just to celebrate.
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