Friday, July 23, 2010

A Swift Kick to the Ego

One should never look at the London School of Economics alumni magazine, unless one is prepared to see that folks with whom one studied are now "Minister of This" or "Minister of That" in their home countries.

(And then have to look in the fridge to see if there's enough Miracle Whip Light to make a tuna salad sandwich.)

I think dinner may simply be a large glass of cheap Australian red.

Consumed while wearing my tin crown labeled "Queen of the Universe."

1 comment:

Claire said...

This made me laugh because I know the feeling so well, but also because it made me kind of glad I went to a liberal arts school. No one's titles are that fancy. Mostly. ;) (Though on the flip side, there's a lot of world savers in the mix.)

As for tuna salad, if you have pickle relish (as you should!), you don't even need the miracle whip. Alternately, you can use vinegar with it (no relish) and that's good for a bit of zing. My friend also used to put apple slices in that version. And hellman's mayo, but I can really do w/out that.