Thursday, October 13, 2005

Radio, Radio: Volume 3

Yes, kids! It's that time again! Yippee ki-yay!

The voices in my head... why... won't... they... stop?!?!?!

Can't get enough of my snarky rants? Of course not! You know you love it. Courtesy of the amazingly talented David Furst, producer of WAMU's Metro Connection show (every Friday at 1 p.m. EST and forever on the Internet!), you can hear me tomorrow talking about the peculiarities of Montgomery County geography and my apparent exclusion from the tony enclave of Bethesda, Maryland.

Because you know that you want to know all about it. Oh yes, you do.

If the sound of my voice coming through your car radio or your nice little Logitech headset brings on nausea, ear pain or any sort of nervous tic, blame this man!

Plus, my four minutes of griping will touch on an issue that is much dearer to my heart than my own zip code snobbery: the possible loss of home for my friend, my bestest buddy, the Sasquatch. Listen to my less-than-dulcet tones and then I'll have more to grumble about the continued Stepford-Wife-i-zation of downtown Bethesda in another post. (Grrr.)

So, please listen in - WAMU is at 88.5 on your FM dial in the Washington, DC area. You can also listen live at WAMU's website. Metro Connection runs from 1-2 p.m. EST, and my four minutes of glory will be at the conclusion of the show. If you miss it live, you can always catch at at your leisure on the Metro Connection website - the show will be archived and available about an hour after the conclusion of the initial broadcast.

Hopefully, this won't be my last commentary from DC, but, if it is, thanks for listening. I appreciate it. And keep listening to Metro Connection. It's a pretty cool show.


Washington Cube said...

Good luck and have fun with it.

Merujo said...

Thanks mucho! It's a hoot doing these.