Monday, July 02, 2007


Too tired to write much now (I know, I haven't written squat for days, sorry!) but let me simply say this for now: hot damn, Morrissey puts on one helluva great live show. Throat problems, schmoat problems - he just kicked ass!

Cold fried chicken + ice water & cherries + lawn seats at Wolf Trap (and Ben-Gay & Vicodin for the bad back) + one of yer best friends on the whole planet + a perfect summer night + Morrissey = a really fine evening.

More when I'm functioning better...

1 comment:

Sudiegirl said...

Hey girl...glad you enjoyed Morrissey.

However, this is not exactly a social call...Chelmsford has created his first meme, and you've been tagged. Go take a look, follow the directions and have fun!