Well, that title will get me some fairly tasteless Google hits, I imagine. But I hope, along with the questionable queries, I'll get some from folks who have heard about Thomas Dolby remixing Radiohead's song "Nude" off their most recent recording, "In Rainbows." Radiohead has a remix contest going on right now (voting ends May 1st.) Anyone with a hankering to tinker with tuneage can download the "stems" of the song (the various lines for bass, voice, guitar, strings/fx and drums) for $5 each off iTunes, create their own version of "Nude", and upload it to Radiohead's remix site for the general public to listen to - and if they like it - vote for it.
Among the nearly 2,000 mixes out there - by amateurs and professionals alike - is a really damn good one by Mr. Dolby himself. He not only remixed the existing stems, but also taught himself some of the lines and blended his own handiwork into the mix. Neat, huh? It even features seagulls and lapping waves Thomas recorded out on the shore next to his home that give the mix (in my mind, at least) a very wistful, nostalgic feel that matches that feeling of opportunities lost in Radiohead's lyrics:
Now that you found it
It's gone
Now that you feel it
You don't...
It's pretty cool. In keeping with that coolness, Thomas has dubbed his remix "Bathing In the Icefloe", and you can give a listen to it right here:
Neat, huh? Mellow and catchy. I find myself whistling it all the time. I'm hoping, if it garners enough votes, it might actually get released. I wouldn't mind having that guy on my wee Podlet when I'm toiling away at the keyboard.
Right now, Thomas' mix is at #12, hovering on the doorstep of the Top Ten mixes. If you dig it, give it a vote!
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