Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Congrats to the Atomic Editor!

Whoo-hoo! A very hearty congratulations to my very dear friend, the Atomic Editor. Last night, the magazine he edits (and probably sweats blood over) won an Ellie at the National Magazine Awards gala in New York City. This is basically like winning an Oscar in the magazine field. I would hope the acceptance speeches are shorter, though. Well-edited, so to speak. (Har har.)

We're pretty proud of the boy here at the Church of the Big Sky. He's one hell of a serious journalist, but, in truth, I know he's just a delightful uber geek on the inside. Yeah, so he can talk Mideast politics and the Doomsday Clock with the best of the talking heads here in DC, but he also appreciates Lost and Futurama, Robot Chicken, and really good ribs. And for that, we love him.

Congrats, Atomic Editor! I hope you're enjoying a well-deserved moment in the sun.

I should note that the magazine here at my wonderful place of employment won a couple of these babies last night, too. Not too shabby, eh?

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