Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Photos of the Thai silk and cotton for the textile freaks!

All the silk is now sold. However, I still have the cool, insanely long length of the cotton, which I'm selling for $100. Shipping will be additional, but it'll fit nicely into Priority Mail flat rate packaging. And if you're in DC, we can arrange a hand-off.

Note: the cotton is 20" wide.

If you're interested, my contact details are on my profile page. I will e-mail a link to this entry to those who have sent me correspondence with interest. Please note: I will update this page and remove images as pieces sell.

Please click on photo for a larger view.

Thai matmee cotton. This piece of cotton (20" wide) is INSANELY long at approximately 17 yards. 13 yards are in blue and green shades and 4 yards are in autumnal, earthy tones. A little fabric surf and turf. I can only imagine that the weaver said, "Eh, what the hell, I ran out of the blue/green stuff, let's do some more with that other stuff I have left over!" It's a medium-weight loomed cotton, and I could see it used for a gazillion things. Considering the length of this fabric, "gazillion" is not an understatement.

Size: 612" (51 feet or 17 yards). Price: $100.

Thanks for your interest!


Cyn said...

How you know when you're too tired to be reading blog -- when you think the description of the cotton reads "surf and turd." (Absolutely no reflection on the hues of the cloth, btw, just my cloudy contact lenses.)

WOW - that silk is gorgeous. Your prices are an absolute steal (she says, as she wishes she only had a practical reason to indulge in silk, any money to buy said silk, and declawed kittens who don't attack both cloth and flesh with equal gusto.)

Merujo said...


"Surf and turd" - I think I've been to a few bad restaurants like that. Brilliant.

Two pieces of the silk have sold so far - I'm looking forward to the rest going to good homes. Cats are immediately drawn to Nice Things That Will Snag, aren't they?