Thursday, August 07, 2008

Radio, Radio: Tourists Say the Darndest Things Edition

Holy moley, it's been a loooong time since I've been on the air! But, lo and behold, just in time for the height of tourist season, I'm back on WAMU's Metro Connection show tomorrow with a short commentary kvetching about insane, yet true (horribly, hilariously true) things I've heard and seen tourists do here in DC.

I'm willing to bet most of us here in DC (and any of you living in a tourist town) have encountered episodes of appalling tourist behavior and/or displays of willful ignorance (or the fine work of the American education system.) Bummer that I recorded this commentary before the tourist kid did the rainbow yak all over me in the Metro station recently. That would have been the perfect capper to this piece. "Whatever you do, do not stuff your child with fruit punch, popcorn, and cotton candy on a 95-degree day. In fact, don't ever stuff your child with this particular variety of carboliciousness. And if you do, please do not point this volatile vomit comet in my direction in a crowded public venue."

Ah, opportunities missed!

Metro Connection is broadcast at 1 p.m. on WAMU, 88.5 FM here in the DC area. You can also listen live at Or, for your listening convenience, Metro Connection is now available as a podcast! You can subscribe to the Metro Connection podcast or download the latest show here on NPR's website. How cool is that? Now, I can aurally harass you at your leisure in your car or on the Metro! Neat!

Thanks, as always, for listening.

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