I have no choice but to turn off anonymous comments for now. This means you can only post a comment here if you're a registered Blogspot member. If Blogspot can figure a way to jam the spam, I'll turn the anonymous comments back on.
or any other virtual snakeoil you care to peddle. And I really don't care about you, you vile virus-laden, creepy bastard spamming losers. Go away.
If you have a legit comment for me, non-Blogspotters, seek contact via my profile page and ye shall find. Sorry about the inconvenience, guys.
Bugger eh? Ah well, good thing I can still remember my old blogger a/c. You ain't got rid of me that easily, M. :-)
Now, have I told you about this incredible investment opportunity?
Heh heh heh... do you have some beachfront property in Australia to discuss with me?
Oh wait.
You DO have beachfront property in Australia.
Oh, The Reg* says that comment spammers say it's nothing personal...
* - there is of course now only one Reg.
The hardest thing for me to conceive of is this:
Some "stupid person" must respond to spammers or they would shrivel up and blow away. So, who are these morons that keep spammers in business.
Frightening, isn't it?
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